Meet Cookers—the pioneers of a Bulk Cooking Oil system that gives equal importance to customer service and sustainability.
While quality and food safety are the two most important aspects for any commercial kitchen; being associated with environmentally conscious businesses is not far behind.
The cooking oil industry, although being an indispensable part of the food industry has always had a notorious reputation when it comes to being sustainable and eco-friendly. However, Cookers Bulk Cooking Oil System has been placing sustainability at the core of its operations for the last 21 years.
With a customer first approach, Cookers offers an end to end Bulk Cooking Oil Management System for businesses of all aptitudes. Be it small or medium sized foodservice clients, or National Multisite Operators—customers can rely on Cookers for the highest quality cooking oils that meet Australian Industry Standards.
As a leading cooking oil supplier throughout Australia, the company has taken upon itself to dampen the undesirable impact of used cooking oil at every step of the supply chain. For Cookers, it is not merely about reducing the volume of waste generation but also imbibing sustainability in their day-to-day operations.
Apart from specialising in delivering the freshest cooking oil to food service businesses across Australia, Cookers takes pride in their environmentally conscious practices of Used Cooking Oil collection where it’s recycled for the biodiesel industry, closing the loop on oil waste.
Unlike the traditional method of supplying oil in tins, Cookers eliminates the packaging involved in delivering and collecting cooking oil by using a specialised truck fleet for all its operations. The Cookers Bulk Oil truck fleet is divided into two types of vehicles—the silver stainless steel trucks are used for supplying fresh cooking oil whereas the blue ones pick up the used cooking oil.

In their attempt to eliminate packaging, Cookers also provides two separate kinds of purpose built storage units—one for fresh oil and another for used oil. Prior to the Cookers system, Kitchen staff would have to manually lift heavy tins, bags or even drums of hot used oil. But with the stainless steel, free loan used oil storage units, not only does the cooking oil management process gets streamlined for customers but also ensures that not a single drop of oil is wasted in the process. And thanks to the tanker delivery method, 300 less tins of oil go into landfill per truck of oil delivered.
Oil management training is another important and highly beneficial endeavour that Cookers takes upon itself. As per General Manager of Sales, Garry Nash, “We educate businesses and make sure they’re getting the best life and longevity out of their oil, rather than potentially using more oil than they need to.”
Using a Farm to Fork approach, Cookers is big on traceability and accountability of the oil they supply and collect. Every drop of oil supplied or collected through their specialised fleet is stringently accounted for and can be traced back to its origins through the batch codes in their centralised system.
With international accreditations like SQF and HACCP, Cookers is one of the most environmentally conscious businesses in the Foodservice industry today. With high quality product and immaculate levels of customer service, it is safe to say that they have made things easier, safer and more sustainable for their customers nationally.
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