Recipe: Australian pork coconut curry with crispy lime crumbs

Heading into the cooler weather, a warm, hearty curry is always a winner on the menu. So why not elevate your menu’s curry option with this recipe using succulent, Australian pork? Served with a creamy, coconut sauce and crispy lime crumbs, it’s the ideal balance of flavour and texture coming in at $5.20 per serving.

Ingredients (serves 10)

  • 10 x 200g pork neck steaks
  • 5 baby bok choy

Curry sauce

  • 80mls vegetable oil
  • 4 red onions, cut into wedges
  • 50g medium curry powder
  • 800ml coconut milk
  • 800ml chicken stock
  • 80mls soy sauce
  • 50mls sesame oil

Lime crumb

  • 5 slices sourdough bread
  • 4 limes, finely grated zest and juice

Method: Curry sauce

  1. Heat 30mls oil in a medium pan over medium heat. Cut onions into wedges and cook for 6-8 minutes until tender.
  2. Add curry powder and cook for 2 minutes, then stir in coconut milk and stock. Leave on a low heat to simmer.

Method: Lime crumb

  1. Tear sourdough into pieces and place in a blender or food processor, blending into rough crumbs.
  2. Heat remaining vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat, add crumbs and lime zest and fry until golden brown and crispy. Remove from heat and set aside.

To serve:

  1. Heat the same pan over medium high heat. Lightly brush pork with a little oil. Cook for 3 minutes each side until golden brown and done. Remove from the pan, cover and keep warm.
  2. Quarter and steam bok choy. Stir soy, sesame oil and lime juice through curry sauce.
  3. Spoon curry sauce into serving bowls, add bok choy, sliced pork and scatter with crispy lime crumb. Serve with steamed rice.