How hospitality businesses can protect against cybercrime

Cyber attacks are in the news. But most of the businesses hitting the headlines are massive companies that store valuable data.

Your small hospitality business is safe and sound, right? It only happens to the big guys.

Well, don’t be so sure.

Take this example** of a two-person Australian catering business who ran into trouble when a malicious code was installed on their website.

This resulted in them being added to a domain blacklisting site as a business that contained malware.

Client engagement was affected as emails were not being received or contained warnings about their content causing reputational damage.

Forensic investigators responded to the attack and cleansed the website to remove the virus, but not before totaling $55,000 in IT expenses and reputational damage.

Fortunately, the hospitality business had Cyber Liability insurance* which covered the costs.

What is covered by Cyber Liability insurance?

Overall, small businesses are the target of 43% of all cyber attacks, yet most only spend less than $500 on cybersecurity.

With the average cost of a cybercrime incident costing SMEs $63,500 last year, most owners of hospitality businesses can ill-afford to run the risk of an attack.

This is why Cyber Liability insurance* is an essential type of cover for many hospitality businesses, as it’s designed to help protect you from claims and support your profitability in the event of a cyber breach or attack.

Your Cyber Liability policy could cover you for a whole bunch of expenses, including:

  • Data breaches including theft or loss of client information
  • Network security breaches
  • Business interruption costs
  • Forensic investigation into the cause or scope of a breach
  • Data recovery costs
  • Cyber extortion
  • Crisis management costs (to protect or mitigate damage to your businesses reputation resulting from a cyber event)
  • Loss and legal costs, including fines and penalties resulting from a third party claim for data or network security breach against your company

The bottom line

Cybercriminals don’t discriminate.

They often go by scaled, repeated attacks making small businesses likely targets.

Hospitality businesses are already facing the impact of staff shortages and are often strapped for time and money. 

They need to ask themselves, ‘could I stay afloat by myself if a cyber attack happened to my hospitality business?’ If the answer is no, then you might want to consider Cyber Liability insurance.

While there are many perks to being your own boss, overseeing everything can get quite dramatic. Luckily with BizCover, sorting out your Cyber Liability insurance doesn’t have to be. Visit to compare quotes or give us a call today – no dramas! 

*This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. © 2023 BizCover Pty Limited, all rights reserved. ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769

**The provision of the claims examples are for illustrative purposes only and should not be seen as an indication as to how any potential claim will be assessed or accepted. Coverage for claims on the policy will be determined by the insurer, not BizCover.