Hospitality workers are demanding consistency and flexibility; here’s the solution

As hospitality businesses continue to face unpredictable levels of demand, managers are left using guesswork to create efficient, optimised rosters that will help keep their workforce happy while keeping labour costs under control. When staff shortages are still looming, it’s more important than for leadership to support their employees and increase engagement to ultimately improve staff retention.

Last minute arbitrary changes to shifts can make employees feel uncertain in their jobs. A recent study revealed that 89 per cent of employees have a had a rostered shift cut back on the day because the venue was quiet, leaving them feeling uncertain.

But with factors such as sales forecasts, the predicted number of customers, and there’s also a need to strike the right balance between minimising wage costs, while ensuring adequate staffing levels to meet demand. Managers have a tough time keeping everyone happy without the right technology in place to help.

Many are now turning to workforce management software solutions such as Roubler to provide managers with powerful tools to build rosters while providing staff with rostering consistency and flexibility. Here’s why.

Roster in line with forecast sales

What if you could automatically roster the right number of people on, in line with your hourly sales forecast? By synchronising data from your point of sale system, then using demand-based rostering, Roubler’s seamless rostering feature allows you to do just this. In a few simple steps, you can create data-driven rosters that ensure minimum staffing requirements are always met, while optimising labour costs and minimising admin time.

Automatically create rosters for events

When it comes to events, there’s no point wasting time manually building a roster if you already have an idea of attendance rates. Instead, why not take advantage of Roubler’s demand-based rostering to automatically create the required number of shifts and ensure optimal staffing levels? This feature will populate a template with blank shifts, then assign employees at the click of a button via the smart roster feature.

Base rosters on employees’ standard hours

Scheduling staff who work a set of standard hours each pay cycle means you need a solution that allows managers to create and publish a schedule within just a few clicks. Roubler allows you to predefine standard working hours for each employee, then auto-populate a roster accordingly, saving time and making the rostering process more efficient.

Create reusable templates

Creating every single shift and assigning them to every single employee, week after week, is laborious and inefficient. With Roubler’s rostering feature, you can create and use templates that can be re-used time and time again. You could create a template for a seven-day weekly basis – using this as the standard building block for your rosters in the future. Existing rosters can even be saved as a template, making the entire process fast and efficient.

Add best-fit employees

If you’ve ever created a roster from scratch, you understand how challenging it is to stay on top of all the elements that make up an efficient roster – employee availability, hour-by-hour demand, wage costs, employee positions and employment types – to name a few.

Shift rostering is made easy with Roubler’s smart roster feature analysing data inputs, taking into account built-in rulesets to generate a comprehensive forecast of exactly who needs to be rostered on, and when.

If you would like to learn more about how to create efficient rosters and improve the way you manage your hospitality workforce, please reach out to the Roubler team or discover more by downloading their white paper: Cost control: creating efficiencies through workforce management.