Four reasons why it’s time to break up with your mop

I know it isn’t easy hearing this, but you know that drowsy old mop sitting in your storeroom you consider a cleaning solution? It’s time to end things.

Why? Because you could be doing better. In fact, you could be doing tremendously better if you know where to look; which frankly not many people do.

This is where I want to enlighten you. Being part of a cleaning equipment dealership, I have seen on too many occasions managers flustered by the costs of cleaning, the timely labour involved and the half-baked results (pun intended) that are not providing the solution they need. The good thing is we have been able to turn this frustration into amazement when we uncover options to clean better. 

But what can replace a mop?

With the power of technology, you can replace your mop with something automated, powerful but still just as manoeuvrable and lightweight. So let’s break down why you should end things with your mop, effective immediately.

Your floors could be 70 per cent cleaner 

Yes I said it. Your spaghetti mop is hardly cleaning your floors. Each time you dunk the mop head into the bucket, it not only excretes dirty water, but it dowses the floors again in the same dirt. Even if you empty your bucket with fresh water, dirty water reuse still occurs.

An automated scrubbing system releases fresh water on the floor and recovers the dirty water in a separate tank to ensure this water is never reused. Floor cleaning machines scrub in a counter-rotating motion with increased uniformed pressure to clean more thoroughly. The i-mop XL scrubber has been proven to leave floors 70 per cent* cleaner than a conventional mop.

ROI could be in the thousands

A speciality scrubber will give back to you, a standard mop will not. Cleaning equipment is an investment that will return value in many areas of your business including labour, time and material. This accelerated efficiency will mean more time spent on other core business activities. You can forecast the level of return of an i-mop based on your venue’s specific floor size, labour rates, chemical usage and cleaning frequency through the savings calculator. One example of a 150 square metre venue showed it could return over $3,800 per year!*

You could reduce slip hazards by 99 per cent 

The safety of staff and customers are essential for the success of your cafe or restaurant (behind good tasting food)! Floor scrubbers like the i-mop dry the floors as you clean to prevent slip risks and extended dry times. This is achieved through the vacuum motor and squeegee deck located at the rear of the machine. The i-mop has been proven to reduce slip hazards by 99 per cent*.

Your premises could look a million bucks

Let’s be real here, the cleaning power of a mop cannot produce eye-catching results the way a floor scrubber can. Cleaning is not just a functional need but a psychological one. Modern culture has brought  a ‘boutique’ era of cafes and eateries, making people extremely expectant of amazing eating experiences, all starting with that first impression. People are also especially sensitive to hygiene since the pandemic, meaning cleaning standards must increase to put customers at ease. By making strategic use of a scrubber, your floors can look close to new again and give your venue the ‘wow factor’. 

The ultimatum

We live in a modern era and you are a modern business. You have heard enough to know that your mop does not clean as well as it should to provide a safe, professional and enticing environment. If you choose a scrubber like the i-mop, you will enjoy consistent, reliable and productive cleaning success for years to come. If you choose a generic solution like your current mop, it will result in deterioration of cleaning performance in the long-term. The choice is yours!

*these statistics are based on averages and may differ slightly in your location.

Written by Emma Dimech from Capital Equipment Hire.